DEFINITION: Excavation is done in order to receive the foundation that would be constructed for the building. And this is only done after the setting and marking out. Excavation can be done using two methods:

• Manual Method
• Mechanical Method

The choice of the method of excavation depends on the size of work. In a case of small construction project, it is more economical to use the manual method, while large works will be economical to be effectively executed using the mechanical method of excavation.


• Pick-axes: for digging up the soil

• Shovels: to remove the soil been dug

• Spade: to level the bottom of the excavation and for loading onto a wheelbarrow

• Wheelbarrows to convey or cart away the excavated soil from the excavation area.

These are just majorly used tools.


The mechanical method of excavation involves the use of mechanical plants which are capable of multi-tasking. Examples are;

• Bulldozer: This is used to push the soil layer by layer to one side and pile it up nearby. A bulldozer is not used for digging or lifting out the soil.

• Backacter: This equipment digs down with a bucket on a boom which is jointed, and then scoops the soil towards itself. Since the bucket of a Backacter is narrow, it is useful for forming 'trenches'. It can also deposit soil on trucks or dumpers.

• Mechanical Auger: This digs pile holes. It is a huge piece of equipment which has a large drill mounted in a platform. The auger drills a hole in the ground and lifts out a column of soil.

• Dump Truck: Used for the effective movement of soil over short distances. The body of the dump truck tips forward and deposits the soil in the required position adequately.

• Tipper Truck: A typical road vehicle which os used to remove large amounts of excavated materials to locations away from the site completely. The body of the tipper truck tips up and empties the soil at the back of the vehicle.

So those are the major things that you must know when commencing an excavating activity on the construction site.
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