Roof As A Component

A roof..; A Roof is the topmost, uppermost covering in a building.

It is done during the finishing of a building, a roof prevents a lot of sound ( minimizing sound ), dust , wind and rain , also helps the occupants to enjoy privacy standardly.


• Strength: Roofs depends on the characteristics of the materials from which is constructed and the way on which they are put together in the form of a flat or some form of triangular frame.

Stability: A roof is constructed to support the dead load of the roof structure and its covering, insulation and internal finishes, snow loads and pressure of suction due to wind without undue deflection or distortion.

Durability: The durability of a roof is dependent largely on the ability of the roof covering to exclude rain and snow . Persistent penetration of water into the roof stricture may cause or encourage decay timber, corrosion of steel or disintegration of concrete.

Fire Safety: The requirements for control of spread of fire in schedule of the building regulations for dwelling houses limit roof construction relative to the proximity of boundaries of the site of the building by reference to the materials of roof covering.

Sound Insulation: The resistance of a roof to the penetration of airborne sound is not generally considered  unless the building is close to a busy airport l. The mass of the materials of roofs is the main construction in the reduction of airborne sound.

Other requirements include;
• Weather resistance   
• Thermal Insulation

Ensure that you construct your roof with utmost durability, workability, and Stability.


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